github-api-cl results collected by cl-test-grid

Results on the last two Quicklisp distributions

 quicklisp 2022-07-08
(LOAD github-api-cl FAIL) ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR : Error while trying to load definition for system github-api-cl from pathname /home/cl/tg-work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/github-api-cl-20220707-git/github-api-cl.asd: Error while trying to load definition for system static-vectors from pathname /home/cl/tg-work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/static-vectors-v1.8.9/static-vectors.asd: static-vectors does not support this Common Lisp implementation!

Breakdown by testcases: for every failed testcase the lisp implmentations it fails on

The library does not have a testsuite adapter for CL Test Grid.

To reports overview

Generated at: 2022-07-26 12:39:25 GMT.